When you are crying, do you ever try to stop the tears by holding your breath? Maybe if you stop breathing than your mind will stop thinking and the painful feelings will go away? I open my eyes and gasp and the pain is more painful than before. I put my hand on my chest and pray that God would take it all away. I throw my arms up... acknowledging that I'm powerless. I'm trying to walk through my grief. Man does it hurt. But I'm leaning in.
I'm staying far away from my guilt. It's too much to bear.
I hate how my dad never wanted to burden anyone. Even when his lung collapsed and he was dying... he didn't want to burden Erin with the phone call or needing her to come to the hospital. Maybe Dad was like me and didn't feel worthy. He was also a pleaser. I'm just like my dad.
I'm still so traumatized by watching my dad go through the dying process. The clips I have playing in my head torment me when they surface and haunt me every night as I lay in bed, trying to fall sleep.
There is one sentense that my sister said that I can't stop replaying in my mind, "Dad lived in a constant state of fear his whole life." I hate generational sin and the bondage that had a grip on my dad. I hate it so much because I experience it often, too.
I despair at the thought of him living in fear and hiding, constantly anxious and worried about finances, prison, sickness, etc.
That look of terror in my dad's eyes when he entered the process of dying is one of the most horrible things I've ever experienced, along with that cough. I can't imagine what my dad must have felt at various points in his life when circumstances were hopeless.... I can't imagine the fear.
When Dad was diagnosed, he said, "I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just not ready to."
The last year God worked miracle after miracle in my dad's life, and in my family. The gospel and the name of Jesus broke many of Dad's chains. I believe Dad had peace in his last days. And I'm learning a lot, even in the midst of my grief. "God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)
Even though right now I collapse at the visions of my dad taking his last breaths, I know that someday I will be so grateful for showing him my love and giving him permission to leave this earth, for being there as he took his last breaths and passed.
I despair at the thought of him living in fear and hiding, constantly anxious and worried about finances, prison, sickness, etc.
That look of terror in my dad's eyes when he entered the process of dying is one of the most horrible things I've ever experienced, along with that cough. I can't imagine what my dad must have felt at various points in his life when circumstances were hopeless.... I can't imagine the fear.
When Dad was diagnosed, he said, "I'm not afraid of dying, I'm just not ready to."
The last year God worked miracle after miracle in my dad's life, and in my family. The gospel and the name of Jesus broke many of Dad's chains. I believe Dad had peace in his last days. And I'm learning a lot, even in the midst of my grief. "God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)
Even though right now I collapse at the visions of my dad taking his last breaths, I know that someday I will be so grateful for showing him my love and giving him permission to leave this earth, for being there as he took his last breaths and passed.

I know that my dad wouldn't want me to feel unworthy or unlovable. I know that my dad wouldn't want me to fear. I know he wouldn't want me to have guilt. I know that he would want me to overcome the things that he wasn't able to on this earth. I know that he would want me to take hold of the Spirit of power that's living in me, and not be afraid.
My dad is with Jesus, and Jesus is living inside of me.... so I will not fear.
Prayers to you Laura. Your faith will grow and grow through all these emotions. I found that in my darkest hour is when God showed me gigantic small miracles all around me. I still miss my dad and grieve over his death - all the first my boys did that he missed - meeting my grandson - knowing that I was working to make him proud. But he knows. I am so thankful for your faith and the example you set for your dad to get him to where he needed to be in the end. He was very much at peace with God and the knowledge you can have in knowing you were there with him will comfort you more down the road. Hard as it was, there was no mystery to what you could do to help. His health had failed and you reacted perfectly. Be proud of your beautiful, worthy, peace-building self. This too, shall pass.