The Gospel has become more central to my identity through the Spirit powered process of discipleship.
The Gospel is power. My word for today is encounter. I have encountered God. Encountered the Gospel. Encountered His love. His beauty. The Spirit has given me revelation so I can know God better (Ephesians 1:17). Come to find out... It's not about me. Now that my story is flowing from the centrality of God's story and my idols are being uprooted, I'm experiencing love and freedom in Christ because of the Spirit's work in me. I pray that we would all know the Gospel, not the "Gospel +/-" and learn how to preach the one true Gospel to ourselves. #itisfinished #hisnameisJesus #God'sStory
(Inspired by Spread Truth training and Mike Baker sermon at Eastview)
We all long for unconditional love, full acceptance, and purpose for our life. We are longing for the garden of Eden. Paradise. Perfect Harmony. The way God created and intended us to live.
Satan's schemes are the same now as they were in Eden.
Is God enough? Is Jesus enough? Do you trust God? What do you rely and depend on when things get hard? What do you use to cover your sin? Whatever you go to to give you love, meaning, acceptance, power, control, success.... That is your apple. Your idol. What is saving you today? Your job? Family? Spouse? Children? Money? Power? Control? Friends? What makes you acceptable?
I am eating the apple, too. I am trying to be God just like Eve.
Satan likes to whisper lies into our minds just like he did in the garden.... he likes to make us question God and get us to put our trust and faith and hope into something besides God. What apple is the enemy telling you will bring joy, peace, and hope? You don't need the apple God is enough.
We can't be naked anymore... we do not have the safety of Eden to be vulnerable because if people really knew us- they wouldn't love us. This is why we hide. It all started with some fig leaves.
I have lots of fig leaves. Defense mechanisms. DOCs. I do lots of things to cover up my shame, guilt, and fear... I do now want anyone to see me "naked" because if they did... they wouldn't love me. Because we are all sinners. We are not in Eden anymore.
God says, "Where are you?"
That is what He asked Adam and Eve and that is what He is asking me. And you. God is the only one who sees the depths of our heart and loves us the same. He has unconditional love and acceptance and he gives us purpose by letting us participate in His Story. It is all because of what Jesus did. He lived the life we should have lived and died the death we should have died. An unfair, but beautiful exchange. The blood of Jesus is enough. We are so wicked that nothing less than the death of the son of God could save us. We don't need to hide from God because of Jesus.
Out of Eve's sin would come consequences, death, dysfunction... but would also come life, the son of God, Jesus, our rescue, and eventual, a new heaven and a new earth. A new creation. Back to Eden.
What has been done to you or what have you done that has led to death? How is God using it for life? Satan meant it for evil but God will use it for good, for His glory.
The Holy Spirit through a wise friend and the spread truth training convicted me to see the bigger picture and not be so selfish. It's not about me. I pray the Gospel would become more central to my identity. I pray it would flow from the centrality of God's story.
I don't know how God could love a sinner like me. Let alone allow me to participate in His Story. I'm reminded that it is nothing about me that makes me worthy- it is all about Jesus. There is nothing I can do, nothing. Only Jesus saves. If I do what I can do, then God will do what only He can do. #letsdig
I'm obviously pretty passionate about thoughts hence my last blog post. What do you feel insecure about? That is where Satan has you in bondage. Place your security in God's hands, not satan's. The enemy wants us to shrink back and feel unworthy and not good enough and inadequate and like we don't have anything good to offer or share... But I am finding my voice. Because I am replacing those lies with the Truth about who I am in Christ. For example... I am an extrememly emotional, sensitive, lots of thoughts and feelings, passionate, caring, empathic person. Empathy is my strength accordin to strengths finder. Satan tries to take where we look the most like God, and convince us to believe lies so we lose our strength... and eat the apple. We were made in the image of God. My heart feels deeply just like God's does. If I can keep the Gospel centered and know that I can't save anyone, but use my passion and compassion for people to dig a ditch and point them to Jesus... How powerful is the wheel when it is not broken! How powerful is the gospel when we don't add to it. #gospelatthehub #gospelcentered #noothergospel
In conclusion... My hope is for the day when we are home... back in Eden where we belong. In perfect harmony with God and each other. I know what harmony is because I know what harmony is not. No more weeping, no more hurt or shame. No suffering. No more figleaves. No more jealousy, envy, striving, protecting, dysfunction, addiction, abuse, slavery, prostitution, prison, disease, etc. We are all longing for Eden, for God... and there is only one way... His name is Jesus. Go and make disciples. Dig ditches.
"Lord I'm available to you"
Lord I'm available to you.
My will I give to you.
I'll do what you say to.
Use me Lord.
To show someone the Way.
And enable me to say.
My storage is empty.
And I"m available to you.
- God has never called you to be able. He is able. Just be available.
- God does not call the qualified he qualifies the called.
- Here I am, all of me. My hands. My feet. My mouth. My mind. My heart. My will. My emotions.
- When You chose me, you knew I wasn't able or adequate. Only Jesus saves, and all the Glory goes to You.
#inlinewiththegospel #instepwiththespirit
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