One of the first people we talked to when we got to New York City said, "This is divine, this is how God works." His name is Shaun. And he is right! That is when I had this revelation.
"This is how God works..." #divine
It was almost exactly a year ago, July 14th, 2011, when I told Nicki Green that I needed someone to help me with my life. God would end up using her to show me His pursuing love. But it started even before that with her sister, Katie, when I was in high school. And actually it started even sooner than that when Chad Monahan gave me the greatest gift a person could receive- an introduction to the God who loves them. You see, we all need rescued. God knows that and comes to save us! And it actually started way before my story ever even began.
I'm sure you know the The Story... God's story.... the Gospel... The Story of how God loves His children and comes to rescue them.
In the beginning, God created everything to be perfect. No sickness, sadness, disease, etc... Adam and Eve were the first humans. There was perfect harmony in the garden of Eden.
One thing I know is that we are all longing for what Adam and Eve had in Eden. We know what harmony is because we experience disharmony every day. Because of the fall. Because of sin.
Unfortunately God has an enemy. Adam and Eve had one rule- one test of obedience. The serpent pursuaded and deceived Eve. Satan made Eve believe she could live independently of God and be happy. When she believed satan's lie and rebelled against God and ate the fruit from the forbidden tree, sin entered her heart and the world. Adam too. Everything was flawed. Everything was ruined.
Don't be mad at Eve, you would have done the same thing. We are all deceived by satan. We all have fallen short. No one is righteous, not one. We have all rebelled. We are all enemies of God. We are all guilty. All have sinned. We are needy. The world is full of the consequences of the sin that took place in the garden of Eden, and every day since then. The world and everything in it is broken.
And this is where we get eveangelism.
"But the Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?'"
God was pursuing Adam and Eve. God was pursuing His children.
I have come to truly relate with Eve. Satan's schemes haven't changed! He deceives you then condemns you. Fear, guilt, and shame plagued Adam and Eve so when they heard God coming they were scared and hid. That is the same thing I do. Satan always reminds me that I'm naked. I wear lots of figleaves.
God declared right there in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:15 that he would send a remedy to bruise the head of the serpent. God had a rescue plan. #hisnameisJesus
God looked into the world that He created and loving us, He sees our need for rescue. So He wrote Himself in as Jesus Christ who died on a cross to save us. #goodnews
God is on a relentless pursuit of His lost children. And He sent His son Jesus to rescue them. And He now sends His disciples to be fishers of men and snatch others from the fire. That is how God works. He orchestrates and ordains divine appointments.
This is where we get the great commission. To go and make disciples means to share God's love. To be a vessel of God's love. His pursuing love. Because God wills for all to come to a knowledge and understanding of Him. God wants everyone to have the gift of eternal life. This is where we get to participate in God's story. To be willing and available to be used, to be seeds, and to be shovels. #letsdig
I thank God every day for saving me, and for rescuing me at such a young age. God pursued me when I was 13. And I didn't know it at the time but my entire childhood God was protecting me and preparing me for what He had planned for me! I didn't do anything to earn it or deserve it. It truly was a free gift that would forever change my life. God sent people into my life to share His unconditional love and total acceptance with me. It's beautiful how God manifests His glory in people through the Spirit to reveal His son and overflow His love to His children. God has overwhelmingly blessed me with people like that. About a year ago God would send me an amazing "Paul" to disciple me and help Christ to be formed in me. It already has and continues to change my life. One word=discipleship.
"Follow me as I follow Christ..." That right there, is why I went to New York. I was following as closely as possible in the dust of my rabbi. Following Nicki, following Jesus.
Nicki always says, "This is how God works in my life all of the time!"
Before we went to New York, we practiced sharing the gospel at ISU. Nicki and Missie were able to share their story of God's pursuit of Missie through Nicki. God loved Missie so much he sent His workers to share His love with her. And instead of going to prison she went on a mission trip. God is so good. Awesome story. But it is just a part of a much bigger story. So is mine. So is yours.
When I was talking to people in New York I made sure to tell them God was pursuing them. I was asking people "Where are you?" for God. I made sure to tell them "God loves you so much he sent his son Jesus to die for you and He is pursuing a relationship with you right now." I told some people that I came all the way from Illinois to New York to talk to them- that I had been praying for them- and that God wanted me to talk to them and share His love with them. I told some young boys that the only reason I was talking to them was because God loved them and wanted them to know it. I was trying to give them the greatest gift I ever received, (besides my salvation), -- an introduction to the God who loves them.
People thought I was foolish and crazy. I talked to blind and deaf people, literally but mostly metaphorically. Their hearts are hardened and they have been decieved. New York is full of people who are longing for Eden and they don't even know it. They need rescued. Seeing their false saviors broke my heart. I wish they knew my Jesus. I will pray. Holy Spirit move.
"It's dark out there. But we don't have a darkness problem, we have a light problem." -Brooklyn Tab
God reveals his love for people by pursuing them. The work of God can only be carried on by the power of God. God has never lacked the power to work through available people to glorify His name. The beautiful thing is that he lets us participate in His mission- all we have to do is make ourselves available and be willing to say yes when he calls. I can't believe I said yes to New York. I honestly will follow Nicki anywhere because I have never had any desire to go to New York. She is the best person to follow because she believes God to do the impossible, she is always willing and available and says yes, and sees God move mightily on our behalf all the time-- it's how God works in her life.
While we were there we heard one of the most amazing sermons ever. God spoke to me through it. (And I'm not the only one-- which makes it very special.) And His word to me was grounded in countless promises repeated in the Scriptures. I wantd to share parts of it with you.
In 1 Samuel 26 David asked Ahimilech and Abishai, "who will go with me?" Ahimilech was silent and kept his mouth shut, but Abishai said, "I'll go with you." The enemy wants to keep us quiet. He whispers doubt and discouragement to keep us paralyzed in fear. But some people are crazy enough to do anything, because they believe God is who He says He is, and can do what He says He can do. Abashai said yes, and was used by God, and witnessed a miracle, and has a story to tell now. In 1 Chronicles 11 David talks about his three mighty warriors. Then it says, Abishai the brother of Joab was chief of the Three. He raised his spear against three hundred men, whom he killed, and so he became as famous as the Three. He was doubly honored above the Three and became their commander, even though he was not included among them.
Even though everything inside of Abishai was telling him to be quiet, he said yes. He did something that needed for God to show up. His faith and obedience set the stage for God's power and miracles. "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses." Acts 1:8
So I pray that God would kill the Ahimilech spirit in me and I would be able to hear the Holy Spirit whisper even though satan is screaming. I pray to say yes when God calls. I pray to be a fearless witness with my mouth, and that I wouldn't let satan keep it closed anymore. I pray I would be willing to do anything for God.
"After they prayed, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." John 17:31
Speak the truth in love- fearlessly. God uses foolish tools in the hands of weak people to build His kingdom. Backed by prayer and His power, we can accomplish the unthinkable. God desperately wants you to come to Him. He chases you. Tries to hem you in. Tries to get your attention. His love and passion for you is so real. He wants everyone to come to a knowledge of the truth. #freshwindfreshfire
My trip to New York was great! I got to share the gospel and pray for a ton of people. I had a few encounters in Central Park that have made me fearless. I loved being able to share the gospel in sign language. And in Spanish. God loves using weak people. Because habla un poco espanol. lol
I really loved worshipping at the Brooklyn Tabernacle. And I loved attending their prayer meeting. One thing I was convicted of and have come to understand more is the power of the Spirit and of prayer. Only Jesus saves people. When I prayed for people I just met, or people I didn't even know on a prayer card- I believed that God could do impossible, immeasurable things. When I shared the gospel with people- I did not feel confident in what I was saying- but I was confident that God brought me to that person for a reason. God loves His children, and is trying to rescue them. Even the weak, foolish, lowly, least-likely sinners.
The best part about my trip is how I feel now that I am home. Spread Truth trained me and prepared me to be a more dangerous witness here in Bloomington/Normal. I don't think I will have any encounters like the ones I did in New York- but if I do I will not be afraid, because I understand better now what evangelism is all about. Prayer, seeds, ditches, the Spirit, and only Jesus saves. And I am up for the challenge of making disciples. New York gave me eyes for the lost and a heart that is burdened for them. God's word has given me a sense of calling. And the Spirit is moving me.
I just want everyone to have what I have. The people in New York are so lost. They are wandering and searching and blind to what they are looking for. So are people here in Bloomington/Normal. All over the world. They may find some good idols to save them for a while- but they need the good shepherd, the one true savior. I just want everyone to have my Jesus. I want them to experience rescue like I have. Because it was for freedom that Christ set us free, and Jesus came to give us life and life to the fullest. I just want to share the love that has saved my life. I pray that I would do it fearlessly no matter where I am, as I should.
I'll go with you.
I will not be silent.
I despaired at the thought that my life might slip by without seeing God show himself mightily on our behalf.
Believe God to do the impossible.
Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.
Let's pray.
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